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Previous Monthly Update - October 2023

Flowers with the word October in print.

Child Count Reminder

As we head into the new grant cycle, we want to remind everyone about the Child Count Management page. The "Reporting" section has been updated. It includes links to revised versions of the Instructions, Codebook, and Quick Reference Table and the Deafblind Child Count Change Log. The top of the page has information about how to contact Carlie Rhoads if you have questions, and details about her office hours.

State Deafblind Project Kick-Off Meeting: October 25

There will be a pre-kick-off meeting for state deafblind projects, October 25, 2023, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time. This is required for project directors, but all staff are encouraged to attend. Susan Weigert, OSEP Project Officer, will share OSEP expected outcomes for the new grant cycle, implications of the new congressional appropriations, and other important information. Julie Durando, NCDB’s Director, will share information about NCDB resources. Details about this event, including registration information, were sent to all project staff via email. If you did not receive it, contact

Tactile Symbol Dictionary

dictionary of tactile symbols used at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired is now available on the Texas Deafblind Project website. In addition to symbols in a variety of categories (e.g., actions, emotions, numbers, people), this resource provides an overview of tactile symbols and information about how to make and use them.

Website Highlight: Project Management

The Project Management page on the NCDB website provides useful information about key grant management responsibilities for state deafblind projects, including budgeting, evaluation, dissemination, and work plans. Whether you are a new project director or coordinator needing to learn quickly about the many aspects of running a deafblind project or have years of experience, you are likely to find useful resources on this page.

New Articles

Skei, L., et al. (2023). The assessment and diagnosis of intellectual disability when development is atypical: A Norwegian population study of individuals with CHARGE syndrome. International Journal of Neuroscience

Papazafiri, M., & Argyropoulos, V. (2023). Identifying patterns of tactile exploratory behaviors in children with vision impairment and multiple disabilities. Education and New Developments 2023 (2), 594-598. 

Veenman, et al. (2023). Experiences of people with dual sensory loss in various areas of life: A qualitative study. PLoS ONE 18(9), e0272890.

If you need help accessing an article, contact

Update Project Information

With the start of the new grant cycle, this is the perfect time to check your state deafblind project listing on the NCDB website. This page is one of our most viewed pages. If you have changes, complete the DB Project Change Notification Form. We not only use this to update our website, but also to keep our mailing lists current. Questions? Contact

Archived Monthly Updates

If you are looking for a prior months update, please email and we can send you a PDF of any previous monthly update.