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Identification and Referral

This initiative provides assistance and tools to support state deafblind projects in their work to increase identification and referral of children who are deafblind. Identifying these children and referring them to state deafblind projects are essential so families, early interventionists, and educators can receive the support they need to provide the services children who are deafblind require to learn and thrive.

Initiative Contacts

Emma Nelson

NCDB Support

NCDB provides support to state deafblind projects as they engage in systems-change activities to improve identification and referral of children who are deafblind. Our support includes:

  • Consultation regarding use of the Early Identification and Referral Self-Assessment Guide to analyze the effectiveness of a state's EI&R activities and identify strategies to improve them
  • A peer-learning community (PLC) on increasing identification and referral efforts
  • Intensive systems TA on improving identification through work with state systems including Part C, EHDI, state education departments, the health care system, and community providers

Newborn Screening

Newborn screening is an essential public health service. State deafblind project staff can use the resources in this section to learn more about screening and to share with families. Typically performed within 24 to 48 hours after a baby is born, and in most cases, while still in the hospital, newborn screening is made up of three parts: a blood test, a hearing screening, and a heart screening. Specific screening programs vary by state.

Infants who do not pass a hearing screening should receive a full hearing test as soon as possible, but no later than 3 months of age. If diagnosed as deaf or hard of hearing, they should have an ophthalmologic evaluation.

The Newborn Screening Family Education Program provides educational and training resources for families, including online courses to help families, learn more about newborn screening and gain skills to advocate for their child. Materials include: