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NCDB brings together the resources of four agencies with histories of expertise in the field of deafblindness: The Helen Keller National Center, the Paraprofessional Resource and Research Center at the University of Colorado–Denver, the Rural Institute at the University of Montana, and Perkins School for the Blind.

Helen Keller National Center

Sands Point, NY

The Helen Keller National Center for DeafBlind Youths and Adults (HKNC) is the only comprehensive national program that provides vocational and rehabilitation services exclusively to youths and adults who are deafblind. A residential-based training program, located at its headquarters in Sands Point, NY, provides evaluation, short-term vocational and rehabilitation training and assistance to consumers in locating employment, housing and community resources in their home states. Field services include 11 regional offices, over 40 affiliated agencies and Senior Adult Services. A National Training Team (NTT) conducts professional training seminars both on campus  in the community.

Helen Keller National Center

Helen Keller National Center Logo

Perkins School for the Blind

Watertown, MA

Perkins School for the Blind, established in 1829, provides education and services for children and adults around the world who are blind, deafblind or visually impaired. Training and educational resources include webinars, products, professional development credits, online workshops, and more. Perkins is also active in providing resources to support parents and technology programs to support individuals who are deafblind.


Perkins logo

Rural Institute - University of Montana

Missoula, MT

The Rural Institute is Montana’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). It brings a wealth of experience on improving transition outcomes for individuals with disabilities, a key goal of the proposed National Center, and houses Montana’s state deafblind project.

Rural Institute

Rural Institute Logo

Paraprofessional Resource and Research Center

Denver, CO

The Paraprofessional Resource and Research Center (PAR²A Center) is a part of the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Colorado Denver. The center, which oversees the National Intervener Certification E-Portfolio review board and processes, brings an array of expertise and resources related to the training and supervision of paraprofessionals.

Paraprofessional Resource and Research Center

Par2a Center Logo