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NCDB produces materials and products that are relevant to services for children who are deafblind. In collaboration with state deafblind projects and other partners, we create resources designed to help technical assistance providers, service providers, and families improve outcomes for children. 

Identification and Referral

Early Identification and Referral Self-Assessment Guide

This guide provides state deafblind projects with a systematic process to make decisions about their early identification efforts.

2023 Book Recommendations

These seem like they'd be good to read.


Early Identification and Referral Toolbox

This resource provides information and materials that state deafblind projects can use in collaboration with state service systems to improve identification of infants and young children who are deafblind.

Family Engagement

Providing Technical Assistance to Families: A Guide for State Deaf-Blind Projects

Supporting families is a key responsibility of state deafblind projects. This typically involves helping family members learn about deafblindness, bringing families together, and providing referrals. This guide provides information and resources to help state deafblind projects carry out these essential activities.

Recommended Knowledge and Skills for State Deaf-Blind Project Family Engagement Coordinators

This document outlines recommended knowledge and skills for individuals who serve in the role of family engagement coordinator for state deafblind projects. Areas covered include the educational and developmental needs of children who are deafblind, accessing and influencing services and systems, and consultation, training, and technical assistance.

The Value of Family Engagement: Identifying Unique Needs and Priorities of Families with Children Who Are Deaf-Blind

This report emerged in response to a growing need to elevate family voices as a driving force in the decision-making and collaborative efforts of the Deaf-Blind Technical Assistance Network.

Families Matter Stories

In these video stories, families share their children's experiences in the following areas: communication, literacy, movement, transition, empowerment, and teaming.

Key Topics for Families

This series of webpages on a variety of topics provides information and resources that families of children who are deafblind can use to help them navigate their child's services and support their families.

Working Together for Families

This report highlights collaborative activities between state deafblind projects and state parent centers in their work to support families.

Interveners and Qualified Personnel

Intervener Services and Interveners in Educational Settings: Definition

This national definition of intervener services was developed to fulfill one of the implementation strategies that emerged in the Recommendations for Improving Intervener Services (2012). It was initially published 2013 and updated in 2018 and 2021.

Are Intervener Services Appropriate for Your Student With Deaf-Blindness?: An IEP Team Discussion Guide

This discussion guide was designed to help IEP teams make informed decisions about whether intervener services are appropriate for a particular student.

Recommendations for Improving Intervener Services

Published at the request of the Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), these recommendations provide a road map for the development of intervener services in the U.S.

Tools to Employ and Support Interveners

This resource describes the work interveners do to provide one-to-one support for children who are deafblind and offers detailed information on employing and supporting them. Additionally it describes intervener roles and responsibilities, how to navigate the employment process, and intervener training and certification.

Increasing Recognition and Use of Qualified Personnel: State Success Stories

This resource describes progress made by a number of state deafblind projects that have engaged in systemic-change activities to establish or strengthen intervener or teacher of the deafblind services, including training and support. 


Accessing the Dream

This video product used footage from interviews with youth, families, and service providers who shared their transition experiences during institutes held in 2012 and 2015. It offers insights and understanding into best practices in transition planning.

READY Tool: Readiness Evaluation of Transition to Adulthood for Deaf-Blind Youth

A tool to help transition teams, which include the student who is deafblind, parents, and professionals determine essential activities during the transition process.

Transition Toolkit

A repository of information, tools, and resources for hosting transition institutes for youth who are deafblind and their families.

Recommendations to Improve Transition Outcomes for Students with Deaf-Blindness and Additional Disabilities

These recommendations are based on a comprehensive review of laws, policies, and best practices related to transition as well extensive interviews with experts. Topics include work experiences, community activities, school and adult agency collaboration, qualified personnel, and education for families.

Deaf-Blind Adult Perspectives

This series of articles provides a variety of perspectives on navigating the challenges and opportunities of adult life including building self-determination, establishing community connections, and developing the skills needed for future employment and lifelong learning.

Technical Assistance

Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for Children Who Are Deaf-Blind: A TA Reference Guide

This guide is intended for use by state deafblind projects to inform the provision of technical assistance to early intervention providers, school-based teams, and families. It is based on a synthesis and adaptation of implementation science and TA literature and input from state deafblind project personnel.

Changing Systems: Moving Beyond Child-Specific Technical Assistance

The purpose of this guide is to support state deafblind projects in addressing the needs of children and families by planning and implementing systems-change activities. Based on implementation science but summarized and adapted for the unique needs of low-incidence disabilities, it covers a wide variety of topics including assessing needs and capacity, defining problems, identifying outcomes, and working with partners and implementation teams.

Access to the General Education Curriculum

Providing access to the general education curriculum (GEC) is required by law for all students with disabilities. This webpage includes resources for state deafblind projects to learn about this important topic and what they can do to help families and educators provide access to the GEC for students who are deafblind.

Professional Development

Teaching Children Who Are Deafblind: Professional Development for Educators

These modules are designed for practitioners who want to improve their knowledge of deafblindness and gain practical information they can put to use right away in the home or classroom.

Open Hands, Open Access (OHOA): Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules

These modules are designed to increase awareness, knowledge, and skills related to intervention for students who are deafblind and being served in educational settings.

Professional Development Opportunities

This webpage provides information about opportunities in the U.S. for teachers and related service providers to learn about deafblindness and instructional practices for children and youth who are deafblind. Available opportunities come in a variety of forms including online courses, webinars, and self-study modules. It includes details about continuing education points.

Practice Guides

These practice guides outline essential components of instructional practices commonly used with children who are deafblind. They are primarily intended as a tool for state deafblind project personnel and practitioners to inform training and coaching needs.

Literacy for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss Website

This site provides many strategies for teaching literacy to students at any development level. It is designed to be used by teachers, state deafblind projects, and families.

Literacy for Children Who Are Deaf-Blind: Building a Foundation Module

This module is meant to be used in conjunction with the website Literacy for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss. The website covers a full range of literacy skills, but this module focuses primarily on two topics: foundations for literacy and early emergent literacy.

The Sooner the Better

This collection of resources was designed to be used by state deafblind projects to provide customized training and technical assistance to early intervention providers and families.

National Child Count

National Deaf-Blind Child Count Annual Reports

This report provides extensive information on the population of children identified with deafblindness in the U.S., aged birth through 21. Data includes state and national information on demographics, type and severity of vision and hearing loss, causes of deafblindness, additional disabilities, and more.

National Deaf-Blind Child Count Interactive Maps

These maps offer a visual display of data from National Deaf-Blind Child Count Reports for 2008 through 2019.


Accessibility Toolkit for State Deaf-Blind Projects

This toolkit provides basic information and resources intended to help state deafblind projects evaluate the accessibility of their current materials and create accessible documents and online content.